Injuries can happen anytime and anywhere, particularly for those who are working in industrial sectors such as construction and in factories. We at Durlofsky Law Offices, personal injury attorney Bethlehem, Pennsylvania residents trust have a long history of working with those injured at work. There are a few steps you can take to make sure you get the worker’s compensation you are entitled to without the need to begin legal action against your employer. No matter if you get worker’s compensation following an accident we believe the best course of action is to get the help of our qualified team of legal experts.
Report any and all accidents
Like most states, Pennsylvania has a time limit placed on the time from an accident to when worker’s compensation can be claimed. Our team of legal experts believes the first step to take when you are involved in an accident in the workplace is to report any and all accidents you are involved in. A good example of the problems of not reporting an injury is the concussion injuries we see on a regular basis where the individual does not feel any issues until long after the accident took place. Reporting all accidents is a good first step to take, in our opinion, because we feel the options for the future are increased when a log of an accident is recorded by your employer.
Seek medical assistance
After you have been involved in an accident you should seek the assistance of a medical professional such as those at an Emergency Room if you need urgent care. Our personal injury attorney in Bethlehem believes seeking medical help should be the next step taken after an accident is reported. To avoid issues in the future we recommend any non-urgent injuries are treated by a doctor recommended by your employer.
Follow the rules and regulations
Once you have been involved in an accident you should follow all the procedures your employer has in place to avoid any delay in receiving worker’s compensation payments. Many employers will require you to submit to drugs and alcohol tests to make sure you were fit to be in the workplace when the accident took place. This is a general procedure for the modern world and we believe you should submit to these tests as quickly as possible.
Call our offices
You may feel you are completing a successful claim for worker’s compensation but we can offer more help than you could imagine. Here at the Durlofsky Law offices, we believe a consultation with our personal injury attorney in Bethlehem should be contacted when you are trying to claim worker’s compensation or make a claim for compensation following a work-related injury. Call our offices and we will guide you towards a successful resolution for your personal injury claim.