What Compensation Can You Get in a Personal Injury Case in PA?
What Compensation Can You Get in a Personal Injury Case in PA?
At Gregg Durlofsky Law Offices, we have a winning record of recovery. Our team has recovered results for over 97% of our clients. While past performance does not guarantee future results, you can be confident knowing our law firm will do everything to get you the justice you deserve.


What Compensation Can You Get in a Personal Injury Case in PA?

Personal Injury Lawyer in Bethlehem 

Experiencing a personal injury can be a daunting experience, and navigating the legal aftermath can feel even more challenging. At Gregg Durlofsky Law Offices, we aim to provide clarity on what compensation you may be entitled to in a personal injury case in Pennsylvania.

Understanding Personal Injury Compensation

Personal injury compensation, or “damages,” is the legal term for the money awarded to the victim of an accident or injury caused by another’s negligence. In Pennsylvania, there are several types of compensation that can be awarded in personal injury cases.

Medical Expenses

The cost of medical treatment related to the injury forms a significant part of the compensation. This includes the cost of immediate medical treatment, ongoing medical care, physical therapy, prescription medications, and any future medical expenses related to the injury.

Lost Wages

If the injury has caused you to miss work or reduced your ability to earn, you may be compensated for the lost income. This includes wages lost while you were recovering and potential future earnings if you’re unable to return to work or can only work in a reduced capacity.

Property Damage

If your personal property was damaged in the incident that led to your injury, such as in a car accident, you could be compensated for the repair or replacement cost. You may also be compensated for damaged property that was in the vehicle, but this can vary depending on the case. 

Pain and Suffering

These damages compensate for the physical pain and emotional distress experienced due to the injury. Since pain and suffering are subjective, the amount of these damages often depends on the severity of the injury and its impact on the victim’s life.

Emotional Distress

In some cases, victims can recover damages for emotional or psychological trauma caused by the injury. This can include conditions like depression, PTSD, and anxiety, if it can be proven that they were caused by the accident. 

Punitive Damages

Punitive damages are intended to punish the defendant for particularly egregious behavior and deter similar conduct in the future. In Pennsylvania, these are typically awarded only in cases where the defendant’s actions were outrageously careless or intentional.

Contact Our Personal Injury Lawyer in Bethlehem Today!

Understanding the potential compensation in a personal injury case is a crucial part of your journey towards recovery. At Gregg Durlofsky Law Offices, we are committed to fighting for the maximum compensation that you deserve.

Remember, every case is unique, and the potential compensation depends on the specific circumstances of your case. If you’ve been injured due to someone else’s negligence, reach out to us. We’re here to guide you through the process and advocate for your best interests.

At Gregg Durlofsky Law Offices, we have a winning record of recovery. Our team has recovered results for over 97% of our clients. While past performance does not guarantee future results, you can be confident knowing our law firm will do everything to get you the justice you deserve.


why choose durlofsky law offices
We are driven by a passion of the courtroom and a commitment to making that passion and experience work for injury victims. Gregg Durlofsky's years of real-world experience in state and federal courts translates into your advantage over the defense.
We put clients first, not cases. That means we are driven to changing somebody's life for the better.
We are available 24/7 when you need us the most and are bi-lingual for our Spanish speaking clients.
We have a track record of success for over 20 years. Mr. Durlofsky's experience in the PA & NJ courts is invaluable when choosing where to try your case.
Gregg Durlofsky has experience as a defense attorney and brings that knowledge to your advantage when fighting for your case.
why choose durlofsky law offices
We are driven by a passion of the courtroom and a commitment to making that passion and experience work for injury victims. Gregg Durlofsky's years of real-world experience in state and federal courts translates into your advantage over the defense.
We put clients first, not cases. That means we are driven to changing somebody's life for the better.
We are available 24/7 when you need us the most and are bi-lingual for our Spanish speaking clients.
We have a track record of success for over 20 years. Mr. Durlofsky's experience in the PA & NJ courts is invaluable when choosing where to try your case.
Gregg Durlofsky has experience as a defense attorney and brings that knowledge to your advantage when fighting for your case.